Managed Payroll Services – making payroll simpler
It can be said that the Philippines has one of the most complicated payroll process in the world. From having two types of holidays with very different computations to complicated taxation systems, payroll processing might seem like a daunting task. This is where UpRush’s Managed Payroll Service come in.
UpRush’s managed payroll services provides your organization with the following services that ensures you are on top of your payroll process:
- Payroll process recommendations based on current company setup
- Payroll cutoff calendar
- Payroll Reports within three (3) to five (5) working days
- Complete report includes payroll computation as well as the monthly and quarterly government reports and payment forms as well
- Flexible pricing depending on the actual number of employees
- Short contract terms (Minimum of three months)
Aside from this, you get your own payroll consultant who can help you manage the nitty-gritty of your processes – whether you are thinking of weekly pay-out, monthly, or semi-monthly.
Our payroll outsourcing service includes the following:
- Payroll Report and payroll dashboard
- Government Premium Reports (SSS, HDMF, PHIC)
- Withholding tax payment form generation
- Pay slips
- 13th Month Pay Computation
At an additional cost, we can also help you with the following:
- Final Pay computation
- Tax Annualization
- Fringe Benefit Tax
- Retirement Pay
For more information about our managed payroll services, or to avail of service, get in touch with us here.